Alexander Komarov (BERGAN). Web developer. Personal website.
Hi, my name is Alexander.
I am front-end developer and focusing on creating simple, clean and in the same time unique design.
Education: Technical University, Izhevsk, Russia. Faculty of electronic equipment design.
Programing: My story of programming began some years ago when I decided to make web interface for a controller. Since that I loved this process. My technical background assisted me to get new skills. Now I can say that the programming is more interesting and exciting than I expected.
Hobby: For a while I spent my time by inventing electromechanical devicies could use in building pavement that had one purpose, to replace muscles efforts of workers by energy of electricity. One of the devices was an electric scraper for removal snow and I had get a patent on it. Those prototypes of devicies are available for watching: